So, we come to iPhone 4.0. One of the features some users are hoping for is the ability to run apps in the background. As an Android device owner, I have to say that the ability to have whatever music or podcast stream in the background is something I like to see on the iPod Touch or the iPhone. At the same time, it's been a year since we also received push notification. For some apps like ones that provide push notification for IM messages, Apple has negated the need for these apps to be running in the background while saving battery life.
But with the iTablet, push notification may not be enough. And I'm hoping Apple will be able to allow some apps to run in the background, regardless of how that will affect the battery life of the tablet, iPhone, or Touch. I have some ideas how I like to see it implemented.
- Full background. I like Apple to provide this option. It'll certainly kill battery life of the device in no time. But it's about providing the user to decide what can also run in the background.
- Limited multi-tasking. Allow the user to restrict the number of apps in the background. Some apps such as those that provide IM functions may not draw a lot of power. Though I can't see why anyone would want to do this when push notification works well enough.
- Allow certain functs to run in the background. Streaming music is fine but there's no need for a 3D game to be running at top speed when you switch over to another app.
I was watching a replay of Portland-Washington game from Monday when I had to switch out of the app to check my e-mail. When I came back to the app, I had to try to find my place in the game again.
I like the iPhone OS to simply pause the automatically pause the game when I switch over to another app. Then when I come back later, I can resume watching the game.
On the tablet, it would be nice if Apple offers a split screen mode where two to four apps can be running at the same time. I'd settle for two apps, I'm not greedy.
These days, kids like to be able to multi-task. I hope to see Apple keep up with the times and allow its mobile platform the ability to have some form of multi-tasking. The iTablet is being dubbed a media device. That means music, video, print, and the Web.
At the very least, music apps should be able to run in the background.